More Tips for Hiring The Right Personal Injury Lawyer

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by | Sep 7, 2018 | Blog

The general rule is that if your injury requires hospitalization and/or rehabilitation treatment (physical therapy, chiropractic care) legal representation is going to be substantially beneficial in reaching a fair and full settlement in your claim.

The caveat to this is that you must choose the right personal injury lawyer to handle your case. The greater the injury the more important it is that you make a good choice for a lawyer.

  1. Don’t base your selection of a personal injury lawyer on an advertisement. Choosing a personal injury lawyer is an important decision and should not be based on a tv/radio ad or a billboard.   While many good personal injury law firms do advertise, you will be well-served to do a comprehensive review of the lawyer’s website before deciding who to visit.


  1. Consult with a lawyer who concentrates in personal injury law. There are many types of lawyers. The lawyers who engage in several practice areas are usually referred to as general practice lawyers. The lawyer who limits his or her practice to personal injury likely has a long track record of success in a wide variety of personal injury claims. This is the type of lawyer you will want to zero in on.


  1. Take advantage of a personal injury lawyer who offers free legal consultations. At the consultation it is important that you meet directly with the lawyer who will be handling your case from start to finish. Before you hire a personal injury lawyer it is extremely important that you are confident that this is the lawyer who will be able to win your case by maximizing your recovery.

Also, you should expect to meet the lawyer’s staff who will be assisting the lawyer in the case. Normally, this may include a paralegal or the lawyer’s assistant. While your lawyer will not be able to guarantee a certain result at the outset of the case, the lawyer should cover the issues that might develop in the case and the general strategies he or she will employ to maximize the value of the case.

Additional Tip: Because you are only entitled to one settlement or recovery, your attorney has a high duty to recover all of your past, present, and future damages, including compensation for your loss of health, loss of mobility, and loss of quality of life.