Kansas City Motorists Facing A New Universe Of Roadway Risk Due To Distracted Driving

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In the last 5 years local motorists on both sides of the state line across are facing a much greater potential for being seriously injured or killed in a motor vehicle crash. Kansas City distracted driving accident attorney Doug Horn says that the spike in roadway dangers is largely due to the large volumes of drivers who are taking their eyes off the road and their hand off the wheel to manipulate a cell phone.

What used to a problem that was mostly limited to young drivers who were texting and driving, has now grown into a full-fledged epidemic of dangerous distracted driving. As adults have adopted the cell phone to manage personal and work responsibilities, the number of distracted driver accidents have skyrocketed. This, coupled with the large number of drivers who now have access to a cell phone while driving, is responsible for creating a very dangerous environment on the road.

Horn, who concentrates in handling motor vehicle crash cases involving serious injury, says that his law practice has changed considerably since 2009. He says that the after the introduction of the smart phone he began to handle a lot more high impact collisions where he suspected drivers were using their cell phones. Along with more violent crashes, Horn also was faced with handling more cases that involved serious injury, especially injuries to the head and neck. As a distracted driving accident attorney, Horn says he has both a front row seat and bird’s eye view of the decline in our driving culture. “It is not just texting while driving that is creating this new universe of risk, instead it is related to the full compliment of computer-like functions now available to drivers. Drivers are using their phones to access email, navigate, watch video, take pictures, update social media and a host of other functions. This is why I say the risk is through the roof”, Horn said.

Horn also pointed to the fact that cell phone use is habit-forming and addictive. Given a strong temptation to stay in touch, drivers are finding it very difficult to totally avoid their phone. While many states have responded to this new universe of risk by working to pass laws that prohibit cell phone use, Horn believes it will take much more than new distracted driving laws. “It all comes down to personal responsibility, the best solution is just to glove box the phone. Get the phone out of sight and out of mind.”